One day, they had a beautiful daughter. She was so vibrant and strong and her beautiful eyes twinkled and sparkled like flawless diamonds. Her parents were so proud of their new daughter and loved her very much.

These parents were not healthy and their hearts were heavy with sorrow because their parents had not nurtured and guided them in a good way. Their wings were crooked and they often lost their sense of direction.

Their eyes were full of grief and sorrow and they could not see clearly, although, they were able to see the beauty in their new daughter. They felt incredible pride for their precious new daughter and they tried to care for her.

Unfortunately, their disabilities were too much of an obstacle and they were unable to give their precious daughter the kind of nurturance they felt she needed and deserved. They began to notice that she was not thriving in their care. The parents thought and thought and after a great amount of consideration they decided she could go to the bird sanctuary where she could be cared for by many wise birds that loved and welcomed baby Snipes.

As hard and as difficult it was for this family to let their precious Sparkle Eyes go they knew in their hearts that their daughter had a better chance of survival without them. So, they wrapped their beautiful, precious daughter in their wings and they brought her to the bird sanctuary.

When they arrived their daughter’s keen eyesight allowed her to see many other baby birds and that they were being well cared for. A wise old bird that overlooked the sanctuary told this family that there were other bird families that were not able to have children of their own and that they often came to the sanctuary to choose children to raise as their own.

They told the parents that Sparkle Eyes was so precious and special that it would not be long before she would be chosen to go with a new family.

As difficult as it was for the Snipe family they agreed because they wanted a better life for their daughter.

One day, a Heron family who wanted a baby, came to the sanctuary. They watched and observed all of the baby birds. They noticed one particular Snipe baby whose eyes sparkled like diamonds. They thought that this would be the baby they would like because she had very special gifts.

As they observed, they noticed she enjoyed the beauty of creation, that she could communicate with all of the other birds, that she was kind, humorous, well natured, smart and talented.

Their intuition told them that one day she would be teacher of others and she would be able to user her claws to make beautiful items that would help other birds identify with who they are.

They saw the pride of the Snipe in her.

Although they were Heron’s, they thought she would adapt well in their environment and they agreed that she would be the one. They had a lot of work to do to their nest to prepare for Sparkle Eyes and they told the old wise one that they would return in two seasons.

As agreed, they returned after two seasons and they brought their new baby, Sparkle Eyes to their nest.

It was a very strange and unfamiliar nest. Sparkle Eyes felt scared, as the women in the family were loud and bossy to their children and their men folk. Everything in the nest had to be just so. No matter what Sparkle Eyes did, it was never good enough and whenever her mother was upset about something she would flap her wings furiously, make loud screeches and blame Sparkle Eyes. Sometimes she would even give her awful tasting oil.

As the years drifted by, Sparkle Eyes was not able to be who our Creator intended her to be. She had to pretend to be a Perfect Peacock Bird to protect herself from others who were full of anger and fear.

You see, her adoptive mother had experiences in her life that did not allow her to see and accept others for who they are. She believed it was not ok to be a bird. You had to be more than a bird.

Sparkle Eyes worked very hard to please her mother, step sister and others and after a while you could no longer see Sparkle Eyes, only Perfect Peacock Bird. Being Perfect Peacock kept her safe from harm and it would help for people not to be mad at her.

After a while, she no longer had to work at hiding Sparkle Eyes, as she just went deep into hiding where it was safe. Once in a while Perfect Peacock could feel the spirit of Sparkle Eyes.

ONE DAY, Perfect Peacock flew the Heron coup to experience her own destination. Along the way, she found a mate. She decided to marry her mate and hoped that her mother would could and give her blessings but she never came. So, without her mother’s blessings she married and one very special day, they had a son.

Perfect Peacock and her husband loved their child and did everything they possibly could for him. Perfect raised her son in similar ways that she was raised because that was all he knew.

One day her partner passed away and she felt so sad for her son. Perfect Peacock protected her son for many, many years and tried to make up for him losing his father. As her son grew older and he was able to fly on his own, her married and had children of his own. He and his family made their home at Six Nations of the Grande River. He was her own true connection to her real family and Perfect Peacock went to live with her son and his family.

ALTHOUGH Perfect Peacock was happy to be with her family there were some difficult times. Perfect Peacock went through a time when she was experiencing many feelings. She was sad and frightened and heard of a place somewhere in the Horizon that could help her.

One day she went to the Horizon and reached out to Thunderbirds that were able to understand the feelings she was experiencing. Along this journey, she realized that there were hurts and losses in her life that were connected to the problems and feelings she was experiencing.

The Thunderbirds told her that she needed to work on her hurts and fears and when her journey was complete she would find this place called the Peace and Love Within. They told her that she would know when she was there because she would be very happy, even when things went wrong.

They told her it will be a “journey but if you work very hard you will reach this destination.” They also told her, “Getting to this place takes time, and it’s like dismantling a nest- one branch at a time.”

Many moons had set in the Horizon and it was time for Perfect Peacock to leave as the Thunderbirds had opened her awareness and started her on her journey. Before she left the Horizon she asked, “Are there others that can help me find my way to this place you speak of?” They said, “the Lovebirds can help you” and they told her the way.

Before long, Perfect Peacock found her way to the place where the Lovebirds gathered. They call this place, “Ganohkwasra”. Perfect Peacock spent several years among the Lovebirds learning how to get to this place – Peace and Love Within.

She worked hard and along her journey she discovered that there were many hurt and fearful people in her life that contributed to her being a Perfect Peacock and that she had to find Sparkle Eyes as she would be able to help her find her way to this place she was searching for.

Perfect Peacock was kind of fearful of Sparkle Eyes because of what her family and others had said about her. The Lovebirds helped her to see that Sparkle Eyes is OK, that there was never anything wrong with her and that she was Perfect Peacock’s true spirit and should not be feared.

She also learned that Sparkle Eyes will become her guide to Peace and Love Within as long as she showed her lots of love and self care – mentally, emotionally, physically and spiritually – let her have her feelings and express them in a healthy way. In order to do this she will need to be very aware of her needs, how she treats herself and others and to be honest with herself and others.

Feeling much stronger than her time in the Horizon, and after many years of learning, the Lovebirds noticed that Sparkle Eyes had made progress in her journey to Peace and Love Within and that she needed to explore her way on her own for a while. Sparkle Eyes agreed.

The Lovebirds told her they would always be there and when she was ready for more direction, she could come back. For now, she is going to take her beautiful wings and her teachings from the Lovebirds and find Peace and Love Within.

Good luck Sparkle Eyes – You can do it – soar like you can!